
Poland at the 12th Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences

Ed. Sławoj Szynkiewicz

Wrocław [i. in.]: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich


ss. 271


ISBN 83-04-02856



Introduction by S. Szynkiewicz, 7

1. Approaches to culture and cultural facts

A. Kutrzeba-Pojnarowa, Changes in traditional peasant culture: A case study of a village in Southern Poland, 17

W. Burszta, Subjective reconstruction of peasant culture: Theory and practice, 31

A. Zadrożyńska, Reflections on modern culture study, 41

K. Kaniowska, The question of description in ethnology, 49

Z. Sokolewicz, On the concept of ethnographical fact: From comparative studies on folk rituals, 63

2. Learning culture, behaviours and meanings

I. Kabzińska-Stawarz, Mongolian games: A new stage of studies, 77

M. Buchowski, The presence of magical thinking, 89

J. Kowalska, Role and meaning of category of "centre" in dance: Man as the centre of emission and valorization of movement, 101

M. Drozd-Piasecka, Attitudes of contemporary Polish peasants torwards folk art, 117

K. Piątkowska, Cultural connotations of the concept of art: A communique on research conducted in the rural areas of Poland, 127

A. Zambrzycka-Kunachowicz, Notion of gift and its range meaning in Polish, 139

Z. Libera, A. Paluch, Ethnomedicine and the plica, 149

3. Learning society and change

W. Paprocka, Changing ways of cultural transmission in Polish rural families, 161

A. Posern-Zieliński, Andean peasant communities in the Cayash Valley, Peru in the light of Polish ethnological studies, 169

M. Biernacka, Social functions of extraschool education in the Polish countryside in the interwar period, 179

M. Kopczyńska-Jaworska, Marriage contract and model wedding in folk culture and city workers`culture, 191

J. Kucharska, Functioning of tradition in the awareness and behaviours of Kashubians in Poland and Canada, 207

4. Culture contact and ethnicity

M. Frankowska, Religious syncretism of the Mexican Indians. Selected aspects, 221

D. Penkala-Gawęcka, Medical pluralism in Afghanistan: Conflict between, coexistence or integration of various medical systems? 235

M. Gawęcki, Ethno-cultural status of the Polish Tatars, 249

S. Szynkiewicz, Ethnicity in Western Mongolia: Its source and transition, 259

About the contributors, 269