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Current Western Himayan Research:  




Będlewo, 11-14 kwietnia 2018


Organizatorzy: Komisja do Badania Wschodu Komitetu Nauk Etnologicznych PAN (dr Rafał Beszterda: rbeszterda(at)gmail.com)

Tegoroczne spotkanie miało przede wszystkim wymiar autoetnograficzny i zgromadziło ok. 25 uczestników z Niemiec, Austrii, Włoch, Francji i Polski.



WED 11.04

13.30 Bus from Poznań to Będlewo. Leaving from Poznań Główny Railway Station by the Platform 4B

14.15 Arrival at Będlewo

14.45-16.00 Lunch

17.00-17.45 Afternoon session Speakers:

- Natalia Maksymowicz-Mróz -  Off the beaten track…How I found “Asian Gold”


-  Sarah Skumanov  -  Preserving the Mardzong manuscripts: A case for the cultural heritage of Upper Mustang

18.30-19.00 Discussion

19.00 Dinner


THU 12.04

8.00-9.00 Breakfast

10.00-10.45 Morning session Speakers:

-  Ursula Klingelfuss-Schneider -  Weaving traditional clothes in Lower Ladakh


-  Vladimiro Pelliciardi    - Telling Anecdotes on Olive Oil Production in Far Western Mountain District of Nepal

11.30-12.00 Discussion

12.00-12.20 Coffee break
12.20-13.00 Morning session cont. Speakers:

- Blaise Humbert-Droz - Himalayan avifauna and me


- Agnieszka Helman-Ważny -  The Mardzong manuscripts: Interpretation and dating of an extraordinary archaeological find in the environment of Mustang, Nepal

13.45-14.00 Discussion

14.00-14.45 Lunch

15.00-18.00 Excursion to Kórnik palace and walk in the garden

19.00 Dinner

about 20.30 Presentation of the documentary film by Marek Kalmus (Phobar rdog chog ceremony, Spiti, 2005), comments, and open voices

FRI 13.04

8.00-9.00 Breakfast

10.00-10.45 Morning session Speakers:

-  Marek Kalmus -  Age of Rinchen Zangpo – Indo-Tibetan Art of Ancient Guge and Ladakh and its Relations to Gandhara Art


-  Gerald Kozicz - A Temple Called Wanla

11.30 -12.00 Discussion  

12.00-12.20 Coffee break

12.20-13.00 Morning session cont. Speakers:

-  Marta Normington -  Visitor from the Moon. Artist’s perspective on everyday life in a Buddhist nunnery in Zangskar valley


- Azade Toygar - The Lhokpu of Bhutan - Past and Present traditions of a small ethnolinguistic community

13.45-14.00 Discussion

14.00-15.00 Lunch

15.30-16.15 Afternoon session Speakers:

- Diana Lange -  My Journey of Discovery in Tibetan Studies


- Rafal Beszterda -  My Story with Himalayan honeybees in the background


- John Bray  - Life, Learning and Ladakh

17.45-18.15 Discussion

19.00 Dinner


SAT 14.04

8.00-9.00 Breakfast

10.00 Closing session with final discussion and conclusion of the conference

13.00 Bus to  Poznań

13.45 Arrival to  Poznań  Główny Railway Station